"Really?" Chris said in mock surprise. "You're very pretty." He exaggerated a little. "How long have you been dressing as a woman?"

"Forever it seems, in private but I'm changing that now," Laura replied. "How about yourself Chris?"

Chris was caught by surprise with the last comment. "I. . .I mean. . .I'm," he stammered.

"I apologize Chris," Laura interjected, "you're undetectable, its' just that I know that a majority of Dr. Schneider's clients are males like myself. The older clients you see around here are usually the only ones who are what they appear to be until the Doc' finishes with them. I took a shot in the dark, I didn't mean to offend you. I know you're a female."

"I'm not..," Chris replied in a soft whisper. "Really?!" Laura seemed genuinely surprised. "Wow, I am impressed! Makes me want to give it up if there are dolls like you out there."

Laura was quite the talker, but Chris could sense that he was sincere. Soon Chris was talking more openly than he would have expected. It was always great to meet another male who had the same feminine interests that he did. That was why the club was started.

It turned out that Laura was 24 years old and working as a screen writer in the movie making industry. About half of his co-workers knew about him the other half were uninformed.

Laura went on to say that he had even written a movie script about some boys who had to dress as females. Some day he was hoping to be able to get the funds to produce it. Chris admitted that he was getting more than just a nose job at the clinic. Laura was very happy to hear it.

"You'll love it. There is nothing as exciting as having your own pair of breasts to fill your bras or bikinis. Heck, I've even tanned topless on some secluded nude beaches!"

"Well, it's very exciting as well as scary for me," admitted Chris. "My twin sister is in for a surprise when I get back. I'm going to be the Maid of Honor at her wedding this


This blew Laura away! Chris went on to tell him more about the wedding and its all 'girl' bridal party. Laura was getting very excited by what he was hearing. A group of boys intent on feminizing themselves.


By the end of their chat, Chris had exchanged phone numbers with Laura. Laura said that he was dying to take an idea like "the club", the school, and the all-girl wedding and write a movie about it. What a thought, Chris thought. .hmmm, he wondered how much money it would take to finance a movie. . .even a home movie?

That afternoon, Chris and his mother met with the doctor for a last consultation. They went over again what the doctor was going to do. Originally, Chris's mother had agreed to an "A" augmentation.

The doctor said, "I again want to suggest that you may want to discuss breast size again. We find that small inserts tend to capsulate and become hard."

Mrs. Thompson was caught off-guard. She said, "I just thought that if they were small, Chris could still be a boy sometimes too."


"Maam," the doctor said, "with all respect, we are talking about giving your pretty son here...a pert, little upturned up nose...and BREASTS! He's not going to be running around without a shirt. ..or even without a brassiere until they are fully healed."

"Ohhh?" she said looking at her red-faced feminized son, who was playing with the hem of his skirt. "What size do you suggest?"

The doctor smiled. "Most girls don't have a choice how big they are, but the boys who come to me DO! I suggest we give him something he can 'grow into'. Let's try some different size inserts in his bra...see what he can handle."

That night before he went to bed, Chris looked into the mirror at his mostly flat but hormone bloated chest. He asked himself if he was making the right decision. He wasn't sure.

Chapter XVII

Chris woke up in the recovery room feeling bruised and groggy. He felt a little nauseous as well. After half an hour his head was starting to clear. His chest was sore and tingly. Instinctively, his hand went up to touch his chest. He immediately sensed that it was a lot higher than he remembered. . .or even imagined!

"Oh my," he thought to himself. "It's over." He remembered his "second thoughts" as they were about to put him